Friday, December 1, 2017

Finally!! All The Test Results Are In!!

DeBary, FL.

65 deg. clear, no wind.
Forecast = tomorrow, Mostly Sunny. High 81F. Winds light and variable.

Monday morning, I had that needle biopsy on my left lung. After waiting for 2 hours, they finally wheeled me into the room where there was a CAT Scan machine and all the other necessities for the biopsy. I was given a sedative and soon I was in "la la" land. ;-)

I was aware of what was going on though and the experience wasn't one I'd like repeat if I can help it.

The procedure took about an hour and then it was to recovery for 2 hours for observance and to make sure there was no bleeding our leakage of the lung into the chest cavity. Linda and I had arrived at the hospital about 9:00 am as directed and it was almost 4:pm by the time we got out of there.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were spent worrying about the results and finally today, it was time to see the doctor to get them.

So, here are the results!!!!

There is no cancer, the shaded area in the lung is from an infection and scar tissue, probably caused by the collapse or previous radiation treatments.

I'm now on antibiotics and have been released by the radiation doctor until the first part of April, when I'll have another scan to make sure everything is still OK.

So, as of now, both Linda and I are cancer free and it sure feels good. Time will tell, but maybe there's even a little more traveling in our future?

We miss you, Blaine!!!